• 企业简介
  • 组织架构
  • 荣誉资质
  • 发展历程
  • 企业文化

    北京九游国际科技有限责任公司成立于2003年,是航空工业中国航空制造技术研究院控股公司。专业生产高压容器的高新技术企业,长期从事铝合金内胆、呼吸气瓶、车用复合气瓶、高压及超高压容器的设计、生产和销售。产品具有安全可靠、无泄漏、质轻高强等特点, 体现了当前气瓶的国际水平。

    Beijing Chinatank Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 2003, which is a holding company of China Aviation Manufacturing Technology Research Institute of Aviation Industry. It is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of high-pressure containers, and has long been engaged in the design, production and sales of aluminium alloy liners, breathing cylinders, composite cylinders for vehicles, high-pressure and ultra-high-pressure containers. The products have the features of safety, reliability, no leakage, light weight and high strength, reflecting the current international level of gas cylinders.

    公司技术力量雄厚,拥有博士、硕士多人,荟萃了金属材料、工程力学、压力加工、复合材料等多专业高新技术人才。公司始终坚持自主研发,生产系统、检测设备均采用自动控制技术。公司拥有多项国家专利,复合气瓶产品全面达到国际标准的要求。建立了 ISO9001 质量管理体系。拥有国家质检总局颁发的 B3 级压力容器制造许可证。是全国气瓶标准化委员会委员单位。

    The company has strong technical force, with more than doctoral and master's degrees, and a collection of high-tech talents in metal materials, engineering mechanics, pressure processing, composite materials and other specialties. The company always insists on independent research and development, and adopts automatic control technology in production system and testing equipment. The company has a number of national patents, composite gas cylinder products fully meet the requirements of international standards. We have established ISO9001 quality management system. The company has the manufacturing license of B3 grade pressure vessel issued by AQSIQ. It is a member unit of National Gas Cylinder Standardization Committee.



    For customer interest, providing high-quality, high-performance products and the best service are our aim.



    边框版-小巨人 证书.jpg


    1999年  依托制造院研究机构的技术基础,开始复合气瓶的研发。

     In 1999 Started the research and development of composite gas cylinders relying on the technical foundation of the research institution of the Manufacturing Institute.

    2003年 公司成立并取得压力容器制造许可证;建立了完整的复合气瓶设计体系。

    In 2003 The company was established and obtained pressure vessel manufacturing license; established a complete design system for composite gas cylinders.

    2005年  公司完成在役多年的车用氢瓶全面测试;CNG气瓶系列化。

    In 2005 The company completed the comprehensive testing of hydrogen cylinders in service for many years, and serialized CNG cylinders.

    2006年  参加国家863“车载高压氢系统”项目;呼吸气瓶量产。

    In 2006, the company participated in the project of National 863 "High Pressure Hydrogen System for Vehicles"; mass production of breathing gas cylinders.

    2007年  氢系统完成国内首次全负载碰撞试验;国内首家35MPa气瓶量产。

    In 2007 Hydrogen system completed the first full-load crash test in China; the first 35MPa cylinder mass production.

    2008年  35MPa氢瓶氢气火烧和枪击试验;承担国家863项目;奥运会燃料电池客车运营。

    In 2008 35MPa hydrogen cylinder hydrogen fire and gunshot test; undertake the national 863 project; Olympic Games fuel cell bus operation.

    2009年  呼吸气瓶获得国际认证,氢系统随燃料电池客车出口新加坡;北京UNDP燃料电池客车示范运行。

    In 2009 Breathing gas cylinder obtained international certification, hydrogen system exported to Singapore with fuel cell bus; Beijing UNDP fuel cell bus demonstration operation.

    2011年  荣获北京市科技一等奖;呼吸气瓶出货量国内前三;上海UNDP燃料电池客车示范运行。

    In 2011 Awarded the First Prize of Beijing Science and Technology; Breathing gas cylinder shipment was one of the top three in China; Demonstration operation of UNDP fuel cell bus in Shanghai.

    2012年  消防用移动气源车供气系统设计和集成;参与车载储氢关键技术研究,启动70MPa氢气瓶研发。

    In 2012 Design and integration of mobile gas supply system for fire-fighting vehicles; participated in the research of key technology of on-board hydrogen storage and initiated the research and development of 70MPa hydrogen cylinder.

    2015年  国际上首家突破Ⅲ型70MPa氢气瓶疲劳寿命技术。

    In 2015 The first international breakthrough in fatigue life technology of Type III 70MPa hydrogen cylinder.

    2016年  国内所有公告的燃料电池汽车均采用公司产品。

    In 2016 All announced fuel cell vehicles in China adopted the company's products.

    2018年  承担科技部增程式燃料电池轿车70MPa氢系统研发。

    In 2018 Undertake the R&D of 70MPa hydrogen system for programmable fuel cell cars by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

    2020年  大容量气瓶研发,53L叉车用氢气瓶量产。

    In 2020 Large-capacity cylinder R&D, mass production of 53L hydrogen cylinder for forklift.

    2021年  385L、260L气瓶获得型式试验报告,实现量产。

    In 2021 385L and 260L cylinders obtain type test report and realize mass production.

    2022年  冬奥会、冬残奥会燃料电池客车批量运营;70MPa气瓶用于中国首款量产氢电乘用车长安深蓝SL03。

    In 2022 Batch operation of fuel cell buses for Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics; 70MPa cylinders used for China's first mass-produced hydrogen-powered passenger car Chang'an Deep Blue SL03.


         Beijing Chinatank, with its superior comprehensive technical strength in the field of hydrogen cylinder manufacturing, creates new momentum for building a clean and safe energy system and realizing the harmonious and sustainable development of the earth's environment.

    130797   公司理念 (核心价值观)  Company Philosophy    


    Morality as the benchmark - the company's purpose, to win the market with  high-quality products, honesty and trustworthiness, customer service.  


    Continuous innovation - the eternal goal of the company, innovation is the vitality of the company, is to build a domestic first-class, internationally renowned enterprises based on.


    Green products - the company's principle, to contribute to environmental protection.  


    Safety and Reliability--The company's commitment to customers is to put quality first in practice.  


    130797   公司精神 (九游国际精神)  Corporate Spirit    

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